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7 Ways Your Life Should Change Before the Next Pandemic

Man watching birds
Photo by Yuriy Seleznev / Shutterstock.com

The coronavirus has changed nearly everything — from the way we work and play, to how we interact with loved ones. Many of these changes have not been welcome.

But someday — either this year, next year or soon after — things will mostly return to normal. When they do, it will be tempting to quickly forget the valuable lessons we learned in this difficult time.

Don’t fall victim to such amnesia. Hard times will reappear at some point. In fact, a new strain of virus has emerged in China. Changing your life today — or in the near future — will help you the next time the going gets tough.

Following are some key changes that you should adopt if you plan to survive and thrive in a post-pandemic world.

Start exercising more and eating better

Here’s the honest truth about the coronavirus: If you are young and healthy, there is very little chance the coronavirus will kill you even if it makes you sick.

The vast majority of COVID-19 fatalities involve people who are older and/or who have health issues — such as obesity, diabetes and heart-related problems. You can’t control your age, but you certainly can take charge of your health.

To state it bluntly, if you choose nights on the couch over evenings at the gym — or even strolling through the park — you are putting your life at risk. The same is true if you grab that sugary soda instead of a nice cool glass of water.

With any luck, the coronavirus soon will be gone or a vaccine developed. But we don’t know what other threats lurk. Eat right and exercise so your immune system will purr like a Ferrari when you really need it.

Pursue careers that allow remote work

We have all learned the value of work that can be done from the comfort of our bedrooms or home offices. Tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs in recent months. Many of those jobs have been in industries — service, restaurants, retail — where working from home is not an option.

So, if you are starting out in life, consider careers where a computer, phone and similar technology allow you to work from virtually anywhere. If you are a bit older, consider retraining for such a career.

For more, check out the latest advice in our Work From Home Q&A series.

And remember, you can find the latest work-from-home opportunities at specialized online job boards like FlexJobs.

Stop spending, start saving

Did you ever imagine that federal and state governments would effectively prohibit you from working? It’s a safe bet that few of the roughly 40 million people who lost their jobs this year ever planned for such a scenario.

When the coronavirus arrived on U.S. shores, hard-working, healthy people lost their livelihoods in an instant, and with almost no warning, when businesses were closed to prevent its spread. Workers who had some savings put away likely took this news better than their colleagues who live paycheck to paycheck.

Make sure you always have a solid emergency fund. For tips on building one, check out “9 Tips for Starting an Emergency Fund Today.”

Make your home a castle

Here at Money Talks News, we are never going to suggest spending recklessly so you can turn your home into a Taj Mahal. In all money matters, we insist that prudence is the key to building a solid financial foundation.

Having said that, we also are more aware than ever that there is no place like home. When you spend most of your waking — and sleeping — hours in the same place, day after day for weeks on end, you quickly learn how important it is to love where you live.

So, if that new kitchen or home theater system will really make your heart sing, consider making the splurge. Just don’t go overboard. If you need a little help deciding where to spend, check out “19 Home Renovations That Give Owners the Most Joy.”

Learn to become self-reliant

When a pandemic rolls into town, weird stuff starts happening:

  • Your doctor suddenly refuses to see you face to face.
  • Your church locks its doors.
  • Your hair stylist wishes you luck with the Rapunzel look.

We may live in the modern world, but we’ve all learned that the social ties that bind us are a lot more fragile than we thought. So, learn to take matters into your own hands — from cutting your own hair to repairing things around the house.

Yes, we’re all in this together. But when the going gets tough, we may find ourselves all alone.

Explore the great outdoors more often

Love to see new movies? Sorry, the theater’s closed. Can’t wait to root for the home team? Better be patient — ballparks may be shuttered for months, or even years.

Many of our most cherished forms of entertainment have evaporated in an instant. But many parks are still open. You can still take a long walk, run or bicycle ride through the neighborhood. And millions have discovered the simple joys of bird-watching.

Even a pandemic can only reach so deeply into our lives. Experts agree that your risk of becoming infected with the coronavirus is much lower outdoors. Explore new fresh-air hobbies now so you will have an outlet the next time we encounter a virus or other societal disruption.

Give up the navel-gazing once and for all

Even in the 21st century, extended adolescence seems to be a goal. From the “me decade” of the 1970s to today, many of us have done our level best to avoid growing up.

That time is over.

Yes, the pandemic has shown us that there are moments when we must rely upon ourselves. But it has also reminded us of the importance of being there for one another. So, find the time to volunteer and give back. It will likely make you happier.

As we reported in “9 Habits Happy People Use to Make Life Better“:

“One way happy people show generosity is by volunteering their time and talents. To maximize the happiness you get out of this habit, volunteer with an eye toward a specific goal. According to a Stanford researcher, having concrete giving goals creates more happiness than vague ones.”

When your life — and the lives of loved ones — are threatened, money, materialism and worldly success don’t mean much. The ties that bind are what counts.

How to find cheaper car insurance in minutes

Getting a better deal on car insurance doesn’t have to be hard. You can have The Zebra, an insurance comparison site compare quotes in just a few minutes and find you the best rates. Consumers save an average of $ 368 per year, according to the site, so if you’re ready to secure your new rate, get started now.

Disclosure: The information you read here is always objective. However, we sometimes receive compensation when you click links within our stories.

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