I discovered coupons in the 1980s, when I was a college student working nights and weekends as a grocery-store cashier.
Extreme couponing wasn’t a thing yet, at least not at our store — no one wheeled multiple carts up to my register and ended up paying $ 5 for the whole lot. But I still saw coupon-using shoppers saving big bucks over other shoppers.
Once I had a home of my own, I incorporated coupons into my shopping.
Couponing is more challenging during the coronavirus outbreak. With online delivery on the rise, I’m just not hitting stores as often, and I often race in and out without thinking over the best savings strategies first.
But there are some items I still won’t purchase without a coupon — whether it’s a paper coupon, a digital coupon or an online coupon code. Here’s a look at some of them.