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Are You Middle-Class? Use This Calculator to Find Out

Middle-class family
Photo by Rob Marmion / Shutterstock.com

Americans have always dreamed of climbing the ladder of success in life. Becoming “middle-class” is the entry point to achieving that goal.

Now, a recently updated calculator from the nonprofit Pew Research Center tells you whether you are considered middle-class, upper-class or lower-class.

Updated with 2018 data, the calculator tells you how your socioeconomic status compares with that of:

  • American adults overall
  • Other adults in your metropolitan area
  • Other adults in the United States who are similar to you in terms of education level, age, race or ethnicity, and marital status

To find out your status, go to the calculator page at the Pew website. You’ll be asked to enter a few basic details, including your:

  • State and metro area
  • Income before taxes
  • Household size
  • Education
  • Age
  • Race/ethnicity
  • Marital status

Pew notes it does not store or share any of your information.

About 52% of households qualified as middle-income in 2018, according to Pew. About 29% were lower-income, and 19% were upper-income.

How to get rich

If you qualify as middle-class, congratulations. But why stop there?

Getting rich is not easy, but it is achievable for almost anyone. If you make the right choices in the short run, it can pay tremendous dividends over the long haul.

That’s even true in tough economic times like those we face today. As Money Talks News founder Stacy Johnson has written:

“Wealth is realized when the economy is booming. But wealth is created when times are tough, unemployment is high, everybody’s freaking out, and there’s nothing but economic misery on the horizon.”

Stacy goes into more detail on that thought — and offers many other wealth-building tips — in “The 10 Commandments of Wealth and Happiness.”

Looking for more help in building your own financial empire? Stop by Money Talks News’ Solutions Center. Once there, we can help you find:

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