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Newzoo: There will be over 3 billion gamers by 2023

The number of gamers around the globe will top 3 billion by 2023, according to market researcher Newzoo. That may sound crazy to expect 39% of all humans to be playing games, but Newzoo says we already have 2.69 billion players, thanks to mobile devices. And, like it or not, …

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10 Ways to Reduce Financial Dependence on Your Job

For many people, the two biggest sources of stress and emotional frustration in their lives is their financial situation and their job, and those two frustrations are usually deeply interconnected. I like to call it the “golden handcuffs” — if you’re in a tough financial spot, you are handcuffed to …

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100% Of The Donations On This Site Will Go To M’sians Who Lost Their Jobs Due To COVID-19

According to data from the Department of Statistics Malaysia, an estimation of 2.1 million workers in Malaysia have been displaced and thrust into unemployment due to the COVID-19 crisis. In light of this, an online crowd donation platform called SamaBantu, which is automated, transparent, traceable, and auditable at any time, …

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