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Let’s spring forward into our March Sunday Scoop giveaways

I may have lost an hour today but I’m still excited about this week’s giveaway page. When I started Sunday Scoop many years ago it was to share the beauty giveaways that I found. As time went on I realized that not as many blogs were doing those so I …

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How Call of Duty stoked fans with its personlized Warzone stats

The power of data in gaming’s red-hot market Learn how to seize the power of data to attract and keep players, create personalized gaming experiences, and cash in on the industry’s seismic growth. Register Now Call of Duty: Warzone turned a year old last week, as it came out just …

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A New Study Suggests Students Can Be Just 3 Feet Apart Safely

School shutdowns have been a divisive topic during since the pandemic erupted, and a new study has ignited debate over the six-foot rule of social distancing and whether it can be relaxed in classroom settings, which would ease the way for children to return to schools. The new study, published …

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