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How to Create Fun, Inexpensive Challenges From Your Hobbies

Last year, I issued myself a challenge to read 52 challenging books I already owned. I made up the list in advance and made it my goal over the course of that year to read every one of them. I read Capital in the 21st Century by Thomas Piketty, Debt: …

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Work From Home Will Come To An End: Here’s How COVID-19 Will Reshape The Office Life

The government recently announced that there will be no further extension to the circuit breaker measure in Singapore and that it’ll be lifted on June 1 as planned. Many Singaporeans were looking forward to resuming life as per normal and return to the office for work. However, the authorities have …

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Coronavirus Poses Challenges for Muslims During Eid Holiday: Live Coverage

新冠病毒疫情最新消息 Here’s what you need to know: At a political congress, China aims to show it won’t be cowed by protests or the pandemic. The Eid al-Fitr holiday poses challenges for officials across the Muslim world. Despite calls for cease-fires, mass displacements continue under pandemic. Anti-malaria drugs may be harmful …

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