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There Are 350 Vendors Ready To Serve Malaysians In This Fully Fledged Ramadhan E-Bazaar

Author’s Blurb: Ramadhan is now upon us and, unfortunately, we won’t be enjoying our yearly bazaars thanks to COVID-19 and the MCO. It’s definitely for the better, but one can’t help but miss the smell of delicious food wafting through the air and coming home with bags full of various …

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Weekly Link Love – Edition 78

Research of the Week New study says exercise may prevent severe respiratory complications of COVID-19. About 50% of food sold in Britain is ultra-processed. In France, it’s around 14%. “The majority of studies, and especially the higher quality studies, showed that those who avoided meat consumption had significantly higher rates …

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Give Yourself A Big Ol’ Breakfast

Before I worked here I worked at New York Magazine, and before New York Magazine I worked for myself at home. I can draw a lot of parallels from that brief period of self-employment to now. There was a lot of uncertainty, although the uncertainty then was of the personal …

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