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‘Turn Around, Go Back’: Summer Islands Don’t Want Coronavirus, or You

Visitors to the western end of Fire Island are greeted by a large sign telling them to “Stop, turn around, go back.” In bold, red letters, the sign proclaims that the island’s residential areas are “closed to visitors” and that it has “No restrooms, no open business, no medical facility.” …

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A digital dollar — why, how, and why now

Since Facebook’s announcement of its proposed Libra project last summer, monetary authorities worldwide have redoubled their efforts to develop central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). These efforts were underway even before Libra, for very good reasons — Facebook’s announcement simply sped up developments that were inevitable. The sudden slowdown in productive activity worldwide brought on by the …

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8 Products to Reduce Anxiety and Stress

Photo by Stokkete / Current events have you feeling a bit anxious? You aren’t alone. Although there’s no way to ensure complete peace of mind during this unprecedented time, there are certain things you can do to help alleviate some of the anxiety and stress you’ve been experiencing. Following …

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