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Laid Off? Here’s How to Apply for Unemployment Insurance

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the lives of millions across the country — and many are now having to scramble for rent. According to a NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll, nearly one in five households have already experienced a layoff or reduction in work hours due to the coronavirus. As a result, …

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Grieving the Losses of Coronavirus

When it comes to the coronavirus outbreak, what’s the word related to mental health that you hear most? If you said “anxiety,” you’re not alone. But if you were to sit (virtually, of course) in a therapist’s office like mine or any of my colleagues’, what you might hear just …

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All I Want To Do Is Wax My Dad’s Back

Who doesn’t love a good old fashioned makeover? I certainly do. Lately I’ve been thinking about them more than ever, now that I’m not doing much else. If there was ever a time for bravery, or chaos, or both, it is now I think. And yet I have been shocked …

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