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Mississippi Will Remove ‘Misleading’ Language About Covid-19 Vaccine

Bobby Wayne, a retired reverend, called the state seeking help getting the vaccine. He said he was told there was no evidence the vaccine was effective. Bobby Wayne, a retired reverend with prostate cancer and leukemia, had spent a week calling health agencies around his county in Mississippi, trying to …

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What’s New In Spot Treatments

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? It’s a trick question, of course, because mother dinosaurs were popping out eggs long before mother earth decided to evolve some chickens. You might ask yourself a similar question about zits. Humans have always gotten ‘em, and spot treatments have always been …

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Nintendo’s Super Switch makes sense for everyone involved

The power of data in gaming’s red-hot market Learn how to seize the power of data to attract and keep players, create personalized gaming experiences, and cash in on the industry’s seismic growth. Register Now Nintendo is preparing to release a Super Switch this holiday, according to original reporting from …

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