Home / Technology / Streamloots Strong will provide mental health support for the streaming community

Streamloots Strong will provide mental health support for the streaming community

Streamloots raised money in November to enable influencers to better monetize their audiences, and now it is launching a mental health support program for those streamers and influencers.

Valencia, Spain-based Streamloots wants to build an all-in-one platform for influencers. Its new feature, Streamloots Strong, was built with Geek Therapeutics founder Dr. Anthony Bean and mental health advocate and talk show host Marie “Mxiety” Shanley. Streamloots Strong is now available to all qualifying affiliate and partner-level livestreamers, while all others are encouraged to learn more about the Streamer Mental Health Kit directly.

“As we worked with more livestreamers, we found that many were facing increasing emotional stress, depression, anxiety, imposter syndrome, and a myriad of other mental health issues as a result of the demands of their profession,” CEO Alberto Martínez Guerrero said in a statement. “So we collaborated with Mxiety and Geek Therapeutics to create the Streamer Mental Health Kit. It’s now our obligation as Streamloots to take it a step further and make the program even more accessible for the livestreamers that we support, standing by our vision to provide the tools they need to build their own business, financially and emotionally.”

Specifically created for livestreamers, the Streamer Mental Health Kit includes resources for understanding streamers’ mental health and how they can help viewers address their own challenges. The program has over four hours of video content and includes mindfulness and meditation exercises. It is incorporating additional content as research continues and offers programs for anyone who requires mental health support, professionals and nonprofessionals alike.

Shanley said in a statement that mental health is an important issue and finding real help is half the battle. Streamloots is another company in what I call the Leisure Economy, where we can all get paid to play games.

Streamloots hopes to make influencers richer, or at least enable more people to make a living as streamers and influencers by giving them a robust monetization and engagement platform, Guerrero said in a recent interview with GamesBeat. Guerrero said creators can see an average 500% increase in income when they implement Streamloots.

But money isn’t all that matters. More than 50,000 streamers in 20 countries are using Streamloots. But during the pandemic, they’re just as vulnerable to mental health challenges and burnout as anyone else.

Streamloots’ founders — including Javier Pastor Sánchez, Jose Miguel González García, Vicent Martí Pérez, and Martínez Guerrero — started the company in 2017, beginning with a cryptocurrency they created for investing money in content creators.

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