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Tag Archives: Aging

Can Brushing Your Teeth Slow the Aging Process?

Photo by Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.com Can simply taking better care of your choppers help to halt the aging process? Science says yes. New research suggests that taking care of your teeth helps prevent chronic inflammation. Poor dental hygiene makes your mouth a breeding ground for an excess of …

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Old Dogs, New Research and the Secrets of Aging

Dogs go through stages in their life, just as people do, as is obvious to anyone who has watched their stiff-legged, white-muzzled companion rouse themselves to go for one more walk. Poets from Homer to Pablo Neruda have taken notice. As have folk singers and story tellers. Now science is …

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Aging Out of the Mammogram

When Janet Halloran last saw her primary care physician, the doctor asked whether she had undergone her annual mammogram. Yes, she replied, she had. At 76, Ms. Halloran, a real estate broker in Cambridge, Mass., is past the age that most medical guidelines recommend breast cancer screening for someone with …

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