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Tag Archives: investigation

Investigation into Covid Origins Sought

• Virginie Courtier, Evolutionary geneticist, Institut Jacques Monod, CNRS, France (ORCID 0000-0002-9297-9230). • Francisco A. de Ribera, Industrial Engineer, MBA, MSc(Res), Data scientist, Madrid, Spain (ORCID 0000-0003-4419-636X) • Etienne Decroly, DR CNRS, molecular virologist, Aix Marseille University, France, (ORCID 0000-0002-6046-024X) • Rodolphe de Maistre, MSc engineering, MBA, ex auditor IHEDN, …

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Clearview AI stops facial recognition sales in Canada amid privacy investigation

Clearview AI will no longer sell its facial recognition software in Canada, according to government privacy officials investigating the company. The end of Clearview AI operations in Canada will also mean the end of the company’s contract with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, according to an announcement released today by …

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Apple accuses U.S. of ‘false claims’ on Pensacola terror investigation

A long-running dispute between Apple and the U.S. government regarding the company’s cooperation with law enforcement officials deepened today, as the two sides exchanged accusations regarding their respective roles in the 2019 Pensacola, Florida naval air station terror attack investigation. Following an announcement by Attorney General William Barr suggesting that …

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