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Tag Archives: Latte

Snickerdoodle Latte Recipe

You can do mornings one of two ways. You can pour plain coffee into your mug with the sole purpose of jumpstarting your day. Or, you can wrap your fingers around a frothy mug of warm, sweet-spiced coffee and gift yourself a well-deserved moment of calm and quiet before you …

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No-Dairy Dirty Chai Latte

A little sweet, a lot spiced, and topped with cloud-like frothed (or warmed) milk, a chai latte is black tea steeped with milk as well as cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, and often black pepper, fennel, and ginger. Traditionally sweetened with a bit of honey, the chai lattes available widely in the …

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Keto Biscotti with Keto Chai Latte

Biscotti (Italian for “twice baked”) served alongside a caffeinated frothed milk beverage is a pairing meant to be savored. Envision a sun-dappled restaurant patio that overlooks the cerulean Mediterranean. After a leisurely lunch of grilled whole fish and vegetables, you’re served a block of biscotti to dip into a creamy-capped …

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