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Tag Archives: Silver

A Rare Pandemic Silver Lining: Mental Health Start-Ups

Using teletherapy, metrics and matching algorithms, entrepreneurs are focusing on addressing aspects of the mental health care system that they view as broken. Ariela Safira was on a mission. Shaken by the attempted suicide of a friend during her freshman year at Stanford University in 2013, Ms. Safira sought to …

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Not Born With A Silver Spoon: 7 Tycoons Who Worked Their Way Up To Be Among S’pore’s Richest

While Singapore has its fair share of ultra-rich family dynasties and heirs to billion-dollar fortunes, rags-to-riches stories are far and few between. It’s not easy to compete with the big boys, especially if you come from next to nothing yourself. However, several enterprising Singaporeans have been steadily climbing the ranks …

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F.D.A. Warns 7 Companies to Stop Claiming Silver and Other Products Treat Coronavirus

The Food and Drug Administration said on Monday that it had warned seven companies to stop selling products that claim to cure or prevent the coronavirus, saying such products were a threat to public health because they might prompt consumers to stop or delay appropriate medical treatment. It was the …

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