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Tag Archives: Survey

AI research survey finds machine learning needs a culture change

Transform 2021 Join us for the world’s leading event about accelerating enterprise transformation with AI and Data, for enterprise technology decision-makers, presented by the #1 publisher in AI and Data Learn More The machine learning community, particularly in the fields of computer vision and language processing, has a data culture …

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Survey: 30% of Americans Think 2020 is an Ideal Time to Buy a Home, Despite Record Unemployment

The economic outlook in the U.S. isn’t so hot right now. A record-breaking number of Americans filed unemployment claims  in recent months, the stock market is all over the place and the hits from the COVID-19 pandemic just keep coming. But despite the economic turmoil, a surprising number of Americans …

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Survey: Majority of Americans Are Confident They Can Cover Expenses This Year

The Covid-19 pandemic and resulting shutdown measures have resulted in a deep recession for the global economy. Despite this, we found the majority of Americans are either very or somewhat confident about their finances for the rest of 2020, according to a new survey conducted by The Simple Dollar. That …

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A survey about VR sickness and gender

Several months ago, VR Heaven — a blog that we, Aaron Santiago (VR software engineer) and Winston Nguyen (VR marketer), run — posted an informal survey on Reddit asking participants how often they experienced VR motion sickness and their gender. They could answer frequently, sometimes, rarely or never. These are …

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A Survey of Essential Workers Shows a Political Divide

Helping customers from behind a plastic barrier in a convenience store in Gap Mills, W.Va., this month.Credit…Jenny Harnish/The Register-Herald, via Associated Press Democrats and Republicans differ on attitudes toward coronavirus risks and in workplace behaviors meant to reduce them, according to a new survey. This partisanship has the potential to …

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