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Tag Archives: ‘We’re

Apple and Facebook spin antitrust claims: ‘We’re misunderstood’

Automation and Jobs Read our latest special issue. Open Now In late July, a Congressional subcommittee successfully compelled four major tech company CEOs to formally answer questions over allegedly monopolistic business practices — a public spectacle marred only by COVID-19-related isolation of the attendees. Amazon, Facebook, and Google faced some of the …

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After Criticism, C.D.C. Reverses Covid-19 Guidelines on Testing People Who Were Exposed

Here’s what you need to know: The C.D.C. reverses its guidance on testing for people who were exposed to the virus and aren’t showing symptoms. Emails by a former top Trump health official and his science adviser show efforts to silence the C.D.C. Trump acknowledged that distribution of an authorized …

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We’re entering the AI twilight zone between narrow and general AI

Automation and Jobs Read our latest special issue. Open Now With recent advances, the tech industry is leaving the confines of narrow artificial intelligence (AI) and entering a twilight zone, an ill-defined area between narrow and general AI. To date, all the capabilities attributed to machine learning and AI have …

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Jobs of the week: 6 awesome gaming companies that were founded by women

GamesBeat Summit Watch every session from the annual event On Demand Watch Now Despite having a reputation for being a male-dominated industry, the world of gaming is full of brilliant female leaders who are taking charge, innovating and making a difference. And we want to hear all about them!  In …

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OK, Boomer? At Least We’re Not Running Around Killing People

Photo by Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.com I live in South Florida, which recently earned the dubious distinction of being labeled one of the world’s coronavirus hot spots. I’m also about to turn 65, which makes me a “boomer,” short for “baby boomer”: the label attached to those born between 1946 …

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Twitter confirms that 130 accounts were targeted in high-profile hack

VB Transform Join live for the last day of the AI event of the year Hosted Digitally 7/17 from 9 – 4:25 PT Register Now Find all the Transform 2020 sessions on-demand.  (Reuters) – Twitter said late on Thursday that hackers targeted about 130 accounts during the cyber attack this week, an …

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A Pre-U Student Emailed Us To Check Out His Free SPM Study App, Let’s Just Say We’re Impressed

Author’s Blurb: If you’ve read enough of my articles on edutech startups, you’ll know by now that I wasn’t cut out for academia. I didn’t do too badly at it, but I was never excited about it (save for a few subjects in university). I choose not to remember my …

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We’re Not Going Back To Normal: Here’s How Life After COVID-19 Will Look Like

After a 76-day lockdown, China reopened factories and offices resumed operation. Meanwhile, the number of confirmed cases is plummeting in some countries such as Germany and Thailand. Some other countries are even thinking of lifting their lockdowns altogether. For Singapore, our ‘circuit breaker’ measure was due to be lifted on May 4, …

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Kenyans Held For Weeks in Quarantine Were Told to Pay to Get Out

NAIROBI, Kenya — When Valentine Ochogo arrived home in Kenya after being laid off from her job at a hot-air balloon business in Dubai, she was put in quarantine in a university dormitory with other travelers — one step in the government’s aggressive, often-lauded campaign to prevent the spread of …

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