Although scientists and AI are working hard to find answers to the COVID-19 outbreak, the virus will be around for some time yet. Early research suggests that your chances of infection are relatively low outside. However, touching buttons, handles, levers, and other surfaces in public areas can significantly increase your risk.
SafeFinger is a small tool that allows you to push buttons and open doors without making contact. It’s small enough to fit on your keychain, and the device is made from metal with antimicrobial qualities. Normally priced at $ 30, this innovative hygiene tool is currently on sale at $ 19.99.
Although staying at home is the safest policy, this isn’t always possible. When you need to buy food or go to work, SafeFinger provides a valuable line of defense. It looks like a key, but this tool has been specifically designed for interacting with everyday objects.
For instance, you can use the point of the key to press the buttons on an ATM or select your floor in an elevator. The hooked part is useful for gaining leverage on door handles, depressing levers, and carrying bags. Being made from brass, SafeFinger is easily strong enough for pulling open any door but light enough to be stored on a keychain. It’s the best of both worlds.
You can pick up SafeFinger now for $ 19.99, saving 33 percent on the full price, and worth every penny.
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